Pants on, pants off?!

Pants on, pants off?!

Table of Contents

Summer is fast approaching and signs of recovery are appearing all around us. Cities and towns as well as businesses and public areas are slowly starting to reopen. While some things are returning to a new normal, daily interactions and work environments have changed for good. As you can see from my photo some of us take remote work a little too far!

The Covid 19 pandemic, and the socio-economic and political disruption it has caused, has profoundly changed the traditional context of what “going to work” means. This has caused cities and municipalities to “pivot” from their normal way of business. However, luckily for them – their pivot has been a long-standing vision of mine. From my professional experience, I saw value in simplifying user engagement and interactions between citizens and city administrators. Triumphantly, the foundation of Collective Communication Flow (Cocoflo) was established.

In this rare window of opportunity to shape pandemic recovery, our mandate and mission is to provide digital age smart city solutions to our civic leaders. We aim to partner with cities, and together, grow forward into the digital era and offer citizens a new level of service excellence that is modern as well as environmentally and socially conscious.

Our cloud-based platform offers city administrators a vast ecosystem of secure applications and data sets to facilitate remote work. We not only equip cities with a new way of human connectivity that can foster low-cost connections, but it also offers answers to social challenges like climate change and disease prevention. City administrators and citizens can “click & play” from any device or location, breaking the traditional workplace/workday mold as well as removing any limitations to creative productivity. To me, this means city administrators can interact with citizens, clients and partners while working comfortably from a space of their choice while surrounding themselves with the things they love.

Our purpose is to provide the platform and the tools to better integrate city services in a way that meets the preference or need of any city. We offer agile and effective smart city solutions to everyday civic processes by bringing world-class digital capabilities to the places, spaces, and everything in between that is Smart City.

Keep staying safe,

– Bernie

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